Closet Edit
A closet Edit is the first step in evaluating the current state of your wardrobe.
Personal Style Analysis
This service is intended for you if you are reevaluating and desire clarity on your style and wardrobe by analyzing your personality. So before you start reinventing yourself, receive a clear vision of how you can execute your personal style and shop better.
Personal Shopping
For those that want assistance in shopping in a variety of ways that best fits your needs. Consultations, memberships & more.
Wardrobe curating /digital rack
My approach to shopping intentionally and having a wardrobe that reflects who you are starts with building it one piece at a time. I use the process I’ve used in building wardrobes for characters by virtually or in person shopping a racks worth of pieces.
personal styling
This service is intended for those looking for a fully styled look(s) for all occasions.